In Martínez Lafuente Abogados we offer legal advice, agile and personalized, so that your inheritance is processed in a satisfactory way. Tell us your case and we will attend you quickly.
A will is a legal document of great importance, since it allows a person to express his or her wishes and decisions regarding the distribution of his or her estate after his or her death.
Our objective is to avoid conflicts and disputes between heirs, ensuring that each one receives his or her legitimate share according to the law.
In the event that there is no agreement or that any of the heirs does not want to sign the inheritance, it is necessary to go to court and initiate the judicial partition.
Within the field of inheritance law, there are two types of limitations that can affect the capacity to inherit: absolute and relative limitations.
Once we have the will, it is necessary to proceed to the distribution of the inheritance. If there is good will and relationship among the heirs, we proceed to the distribution of the inheritance in a public deed.
We are specialists in joint ownership. Our objective is to provide effective solutions to those owners who wish to sell their undivided part of a property or put an end to the existing condominium.
Sometimes people wish to distribute their assets before they pass away in order to avoid family conflicts and to have more control over their estate.
Why choose us?
In Martínez Lafuente Abogados we offer legal advice, agile and personalized, so that your inheritance is processed in a satisfactory way. Tell us your case and we will attend you quickly.
+34 91 576 92 09
+34 646 69 00 32
C/ Núñez de Balboa 71 Duplicado, 1º C
C.P. 28001, Madrid.